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Panasonic Air Conditioning Perth

Panasonic air conditioning

We have had a long hot summer breaking records in lots of different areas. Plenty of sleepless nights. Every house would have been wanting the air conditioning to ease the discomfort. I believe air conditioning now days is a necessity for every home in Perth. Therefore I strongly disagree with Colin Barnett’s comments in the article air conditioners not necessary in Perth Colin Barnett. This is clearly a person that spends most of his time in air conditioning. Either at work in an air conditioned office or travelling in an air conditioned car. The question you have to answer is what type of air conditioning will suit my needs, budget and fit my lifestyle. For me personally, it is aPanasonic air conditioning Perth system.

The Reason we chose Panasonic Reverse cycle air conditioning system.

Having lived in Perth most of my life. I have noticed in the last 5 years the weather pattern is slowly changing we are experiencing more humid days each year. We have installed a Panasonic ducted air conditioning system last winter. Because we were spending over $200.00 on wood each month. The first power bill after our system was installed was half the cost of buying firewood. With a lot less work no like lighting the fire. Stacking the firewood and cleaning the mess up. We no longer have to light a fire or keep putting wood in the fire. More importantly, it was only heating our main living area. So the Panasonic air conditioning system we installed. We can heat the whole of the home with a push of a few buttons. It is also an instant heat.

Details of the Panasonic ducted air conditioning we installed. 

Therefore we elected to buy a 14 kW. The system we had installed was 10 outlets and 6 zones. Because our home also had 2 evaporative coolers previously installed. We removed one of the ducted evaporative air conditioning systems in our main living area. The other evaporative cooling system we kept for cooling our bedrooms at night. Up to date, we have been very impressed with the performance of the system. Because it has the ability to maintain a constant temperature within our home. We are presently running our system at 24 degrees and the machine is doing an excellent job. As an example, the retail ducted air conditioning price of our system fully installed was $10,500.00. The whole system was installed in 1 day.

Components used in my Air conditioning system

The Panasonic ducted air conditioning was installed using standard 4 way blow air conditioning vent. The 6 s we had installed was installed using steel motorised dampers. A locally made high quality flexible ducting which has an R1.0 rating. We used a filtered aluminium Return air grille

So if you would like more information on a Panasonic air conditioning Perth system call me for a chat. A diy Panasonic air conditioning Perth kit is also available at a significantly cheaper cost. Therefore you do the majority of the work and get the skilled trades in as you need them. The potential cost saving could be as high as $1500.00 – $2000.00. the system would take you and a mate a day to install.

If you like more information on Panasonic air conditioning Perth systems or Panasonic split air conditioners email me for a free quote

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